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23rd November 2024

A New Understanding

He opened their understanding,

that they might comprehend the Scriptures.


Luke 24:45 

Many people find it more exciting to attribute the change in the disciples primarily to the arrival of the Holy Spirit, with its dramatic display of tongues of fire and miraculous signs. Yet, a closer reading of Luke 24:44-45 reveals that the most foundational change in the disciples’ lives happened beforehand, in a new and correct understanding of the Scriptures given directly by Christ Himself.

In opening their understanding, Jesus reshaped their understanding of God's promises and purposes, aligning it with His sacrificial mission and triumph over death. This newfound understanding empowered them with a clear vision of God’s redemption plan, transforming their former confusion into conviction, fear into boldness, and questions into clarity. When the Holy Spirit did come in power at Pentecost, The Holy Spirit built upon this foundation of knowledge, deepening and empowering what had already been made clear by Christ’s teaching.

So, while the coming of the Spirit was essential for power (v 49), the prior change in their understanding of Scripture was essential for purpose. It was Christ, it was the scriptures that transformed them from followers who struggled with doubt into apostles who would “turn the world upside down” (Acts 17:6), carrying the message of the Gospel to every corner of the earth.

Be sure you are grounded in the Truth of God's Word, and on the thinking of man.

Bible Reading

Luke 24:44-49.


Father, help me to have a right understanding of the scriptures. In Jesus name. Amen.

By Celeb Pilgrim



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